28 Mart 2016 Pazartesi

Rejoice! Tumblr Replies Are Back

Replies are back, baby!

Replies are back, baby!


Last year, Tumblr changed one of the features that made Tumblr, well, Tumblr: the threaded reply/reblog chains. Often these became very..... good. The threaded format became its own structure for jokes.

The old threaded very looked like this:

The old threaded very looked like this:


The Tumblr community HATED IT when replies were changed. They missed the old replies. You could still reblog, just not reply.

Starting today, replies are coming back (it'll rollout to users in the new few days, so if you don't have it right now don't freak out). You'll also be able to reply to yourself, not just others, which is a completely new feature. So if you're the one who thinks up that great pun on your own post, GO FOR IT. And you can reply to your own blogs, if you're that self-obsessed.

The new reply features has some enhanced features for privacy and harassment prevention:

  • Everyone can reply
  • Only people you follow and people who have been following you for a week (no new friends or lurkers) can reply
  • Only people you already follow can reply (safest mode)

A new redesign of Notes also lets you see how people replied more easily. There's a simplified Notes view where you can see only replies and reblogs with commentary, and the plain likes and reblogs get compressed at the top.

from BuzzFeed - Tech http://ift.tt/1ogRnB5

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